Roman-Sten Tõnissoo

Roman-Sten Tõnissoo (1989) holds a bachelor’s degree in photography and a master’s degree in contemporary art from the Estonian Academy of Arts. He has also expanded his education through studying at FAMU in Prague. In his work, Tõnissoo delves into the human desire for spirituality and meaning in the modern era, exploring the tension of power dynamics between aggression and security. His approach is characterized by a playful use of cross-media references and a search for the perfect spatial dialogue moment, seeking to unlock the potential for new perspectives on the world. Tõnissoo’s recent exhibitions include “Forever in Bloom” at Vaal Gallery (2024), “If This Is Light, Then Give Us Darkness” with Ellen Vene at Draakon Gallery (2023), “Your Afterlife Is Canceled” with Ellen Vene at ARS Project Room (2022), and “Out of Sight Is Out of Mind” with Ellen Vene at Roam project space in Berlin (2022).

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