Photos: Opening of “Man! God Has Created You Out of Nothing, and This is Too Often Felt in Your Case” by Urmas Lüüs

Lüüs’ exhibition focuses on the transformation of found materials and theatrical installativity. The staged environment finds one of its foundations in cemetery culture. Instead of approaching the individual’s tragedy, Lüüs addresses the theme in much brighter tones, seeing departure from this world as a merging with the highest level of collectivity.

In the words of art critic Hanno Soans, Lüüs poses a question that appears again and again in classical art, which has assumed new relevance in our time: “How do you ask the dust?”. The smaller works displayed in the installation appear to be characterised by sacramentality – the invisible and spiritual is present through the visible and material, which in turn is made sacred by its presence. In light of this, Soans raises the question: ’’Who dares to claim that no man brings souvenirs from beyond the grave?”.

Urmas Lüüs’ exhibition at Tütar Gallery will be open until January 14th, and admission is free for the public. The gallery is located at Vesilennuki 24 in the Noblessner Port District and is open from Thursday to Friday from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM and on Saturdays and Sundays from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Accompanying text: Hanno Soans
Exhibition design: Juss Heinsalu
Graphic design: Cristopher Siniväli
Technician: Hans-Otto Ojaste
Installation support: Erkki Kadarik
Photos by: Roman-Sten Tõnissoo

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, City of Tallinn and Koch Brewery