Photos: Opening of “Broken Sun” by Eero Alev

Eero Alev (1983) graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts with a BA in Painting (2020) and an MA in Contemporary Art (2022). Alev’s works display various dreamlike narratives, characterized by a melancholic and nostalgic atmosphere.

Art historian Eero Epner writes in the accompanying text: “The core of Eero Alev’s current exhibition consists of paintings with varying formats that merge moments from author’s biography. Instead of documentary accuracy, Alev is intrigued by suggestion and radiance, he prefers speculation over assertions and the endless ambiguity of perception over concreteness. He has abandoned the idea of telling a complete story, choosing instead to piece together a mosaic of memory fragments that remain perpetually imperfect and unfinished, allowing room for the poetic means of painting.”

Text: Eero Epner
Graphic design: Ott Metusala
Exhibition opening gallery: Kaarel Antonov